EPISODE 24: The Buyer-Seller Fit for Your eCommerce Business with David Carroll, CEO of DJC Digital Brokers

The Buyer-Seller Fit for Your eCommerce Business

David Caroll of DJC Digital Brokers shares his experience as a broker that caters to the buyers and not the sellers, as well as his during the pandemic.



  • How David Caroll got into Buy-Side Brokerage
  • Core Process in the Buy-Side Brokerage
  • What they do to Convince owners to sell
  • Deal Killers
  • Opportunities highlighted in the Pandemic


  1. There are very few brokers that engage from the buyer’s perspective.  This was the opportunity that Caroll was responding to when he set-up his business.
  2. They also help sellers by referring them to other experts who can help grow the business to a valuation they would want it sold.
  3. Clarity of what the buyer is looking for is key in making the buyer-seller fit.
  4. Educating the seller is a key intervention they do to help the sale process.



For more on acquiring and growing web properties, visit the DJC Digital Brokers website, or send your questions to [email protected].

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accounting, acquisition entrepreneurship, Amazon, Amazon FBA, Amazon FBA exit, Amazon first page, Amazon first page ranking, Amazon listing, Amazon listing optimization, David Caroll, digital brokers, effective people management, efficient people management, FBA business, FBA due diligence, FBA due dillegence, FBA exit, FBA marketing, FBA profitable exit, finance, finances, online business investor, online business owner, optimization, people management, podcast, profitable business exit, profitable exit

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